The Chinese character for "cloud" was written as in the Oracle bone script and bronze script, those who have a line of curves in the bottom something like a piece of floating cloud. However, after Chinese writing was standardized after the dynasty Han, various Chinese graphemes can be analyzed in terms of lines, i.e., lines, points and hooks that draw not a piece of paper with a writing instrument, forming Chinese characters encode words. For example, in the standard script, the previous angular and wavy lines were replaced by more and more regular lines that are more compatible with stroke techniques. In so doing different types of strokes can be identified easily. A Chinese character should write blow by blow. Chinese children are taught to write different strokes in each Chinese character strictly following the rules of stroke order.
There are many practical reasons for students to learn these rules of stroke order. For example, writing is considered an art form in Chinese culture. These rules can help students to develop some skills in the placement of several strokes proportionally to produce aesthetically acceptable Chinese characters. In addition, one could not use many Chinese dictionaries effectively without knowing the order of the strokes, as most index dictionary rules systems draw for order of strokes as a useful to help users form are the entries of a certain Chinese character. Even though the romanized spelling system was introduced, most Chinese dictionaries still offer an index based on the number of strokes because there are many people who are not familiar with the system of romanized adopted in a given dictionary pronunciation or a certain Chinese character pronunciations. For example, in the most commonly used the contemporary Chinese dictionary in China, is a system of index two stages is divided into two sections, "radical initial" and "guide of the radical", both of which largely depend on the number of strokes. This dictionary, which contains over 56,000 words, recognize some initial radical 200. The user needs to count the number of strokes in the radical initial of a Chinese character, or the first Chinese character if the word has more than one Chinese character, find the section that has all the Chinese characters with the same radical initial. Then the user must have the number of strokes in the rest of the Chinese characters to find the page number where are listed all the entries from the Chinese characters.
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